Monday, January 5, 2015

But wait. Aren't there already like a zillion mom blogs out there? Well, yes. But maybe this one'll be different.

There are so many mom blogs out there, why add another? That’s what I kept asking myself even as my fingers itched to hit the keys and tap out my two cents. (Or three.) The internet is rife with an assorted avalanche of blogs about everything from multiples to preemies to bump pictures.

When I discovered I was having twins, I found great comfort—and occasional horror—in frantically reading every twin mom blog I could find. And then when I received the diagnosis of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, I couldn’t stop myself from reading as many posts as I could about moms and babies who had suffered the same heartbreaking health crisis. I vividly recall sitting on bed rest after my laser surgery, holding my enormous stomach and crying as I read the stories of other mothers. So what does that have to do with this blog? Everything, as it turns out.

Those blogs mattered to me. The stories, the pictures, the names and the faces, the mothers who shared their grief at losing babies, the mothers who revealed the trauma of their early deliveries, the NICU babies smiling happily from a first birthday party picture—they all meant something to me. They gave me courage in a scary time when I didn’t know if either of my babies would survive. They gave me hope. They made me feel a part of something much bigger than just my little slice of the world.

And so I hope this blog will do the same thing for my fellow parents out there, from the moms-to-be wondering what to expect, to the NICU moms and dads trying to cope with the stress of caring for a 2 pound baby, to every other mother and father who stops by. If I can help just one other mom-to-be who’s facing laser surgery for TTTS or one set of parents with 2 months of NICU stays ahead of them, I’ll be happy.

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